To understand the constructs of C Language.
To develop C Programs using basic programming constructs
To develop C programs using arrays and strings
To develop modular applications in C using functions
To develop applications in C using pointers and structures
To do input/output and file handling in C
Introduction to programming paradigms – Applications of C Language – Structure of C program – C
programming: Data Types – Constants – Enumeration Constants – Keywords – Operators:
Precedence and Associativity – Expressions – Input/Output statements, Assignment statements –
Decision making statements – Switch statement – Looping statements – Preprocessor directives –
Compilation process
Introduction to Arrays: Declaration, Initialization – One dimensional array –Two dimensional
arrays – String operations: length, compare, concatenate, copy – Selection sort, linear and binary
Modular programming – Function prototype, function definition, function call, Built-in functions (string
functions, math functions) – Recursion, Binary Search using recursive functions –Pointers –
Pointer operators – Pointer arithmetic – Arrays and pointers – Array of pointers – Parameter passing:
Pass by value, Pass by reference.
Structure – Nested structures – Pointer and Structures – Array of structures – Self referential
structures – Dynamic memory allocation – Singly linked list – typedef – Union – Storage classes and
Files – Types of file processing: Sequential access, Random access – Sequential access file –
Random access file – Command line arguments
Unit – 1
1. Explain with example, Structure of C program.
2. Explain in detail about,
a. Looping Statements in C
b. Conditional Statements (or) Branching Statements (or) Decision Making Statements in C with example program.
c. Types of Operators in C d. Data Types.
Unit – 2
1. Explain in detail about concept of Array and Types of an array with example C program.
2. Explain various types of String Operation With example C program.
Unit – 3
1. Explain the Concept of Pass by Value and Pass by Reference. Write a C program to Swapping or interchanging or exchanging the values of two variables using Pass by Value and Pass by Reference.
2. Write a C program to perform Binary Search using Recursive Function.
Unit – 4
1. Use Structure and Array of structure and Union Concept, to perform the following:
a. Student Details (Name, Roll No, Marks and etc.,)
b. Employee Details (Name, Id No, Salary, and etc.,)
2. Write an example C program to illustrate the concept of Self Referential Structures.
3. Explain in detail about Dynamic Memory Allocation (DMA) and their types with example C program.
4. Give the difference between of the following: a. Structures and Union b. Array and Structures c. Union and Array.
5. Define typedef and storage classes.
Unit – 5
1. Explain the concept of File and types of File Operations in File Processing and various File Modes in C.
2. Explain the use of the following in Random Access File Processing in C:
a. fseek()
b. ftell()
c. rewind()
Most Important C Programs
1. Write a C program to find the Factorial of given number with using Recursion and without using Recursion.
2. Write a C program to generate the Fibonacci Series of given numbers.
3. Write a C program to find the biggest of three numbers.
4. Write a C program to swapping of two numbers with using third variable and without using third variable.
5. Write a C program to perform:
a. Matrix Addition
b. Matrix Subtraction.
c. Matrix Multiplication
6. Write a C program to find the,
a. Given number is Even or Odd
b. Given number is positive or negative
c. Sum of two numbers
d. Multiply of two numbers