BE3251 BEEE -Basic Electrical and Electronics Engineering Important questions

  • To introduce the basics of electric circuits and analysis
  • To impart knowledge in the basics of working principles and application of electrical machines
  • To introduce analog devices and their characteristics
  • To educate on the fundamental concepts of digital electronics
  • To introduce the functional elements and working of measuring instruments

DC Circuits: Circuit Components: Conductor, Resistor, Inductor, Capacitor – Ohm’s Law –
Kirchhoff’s Laws –Independent and Dependent Sources – Simple problems- Nodal Analysis, Mesh
analysis with Independent sources only (Steady state)
Introduction to AC Circuits and Parameters: Waveforms, Average value, RMS Value,
Instantaneous power, real power, reactive power and apparent power, power factor – Steady state
analysis of RLC circuits (Simple problems only)

Construction and Working principle- DC Separately and Self excited Generators, EMF equation,
Types and Applications. Working Principle of DC motors, Torque Equation, Types and
Applications. Construction, Working principle and Applications of Transformer, Three phase
Alternator, Synchronous motor and Three Phase Induction Motor.

Resistor, Inductor and Capacitor in Electronic Circuits- Semiconductor Materials: Silicon
&Germanium – PN Junction Diodes, Zener Diode –Characteristics Applications – Bipolar Junction
Transistor-Biasing, JFET, SCR, MOSFET,IGBT – Types, I-V Characteristics and Applications,
Rectifier and Inverters

Review of number systems, binary codes, error detection and correction codes, Combinational
logic – representation of logic functions-SOP and POS forms, K-map representations – minimization
using K maps (Simple Problems only).

Functional elements of an instrument, Standards and calibration, Operating Principle, types –
Moving Coil and Moving Iron meters, Measurement of three phase power, Energy Meter,
Instrument Transformers-CT and PT, DSO- Block diagram- Data acquisition.

Unit 1

16 marks

1.Mesh analysis problems
2.Nodal analysis problems
3.RLC problems

2 marks

*Diff between mesh and loop

  • State KCL, KVL
  • Series parallel connection difference
    *RMS value
    *Form factor , crest factor,
    *Average value
  • Power factor
    *Star and delta connection formula

Unit 2

16 marks

  • Construction of dc machine
    *Working of motor and generator
    *Types of generators and motors with circuit diagrams
    *Construction and working of transformer
  • Emf equation of transformer
  • Emf equation of generators
    *Torque equation of motor
    *Emf equation of transformer problems
    *Main parts of dc machine
    *Function of yoke
    *Define commutator
    *State working principle of generators and motors
    *Any one Type of generators or motors with circuit diagram
    *Back emf
  • Write Emf equation of generator
    *Write torque equation of motor
    *Write Emf equation of transformer
    *Define transformation ratio
    *State working principle of transformer
    *Main parts of transformer

Unit 3

16 marks

  • Theory of pn junction
    *Working of pn junction
    *V I characteristics of pn junction diode
    *V I characteristics of zener diode
    *Application of zener diode
    *Any one configuration CE or CB or CC configuration
    *Half wave rectifier
    *Full wave bridge rectifier

2 marks

*Diff between p type and ntype semiconductor
*Diff between intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductor

  • Application of pn junction diode
    *Application of zener diode
    *Diff between conductor semiconductor and insulator
    *Define bjt
    *Application of bjt
    *Application of igbt,scr,MOSFET
    *Define biasing
    *Forward and reverse bias
    *Rectifier definition
    *Inverter definition

Unit 4

16 marks

*K map problems
*Reduction of sop and pos problems
*Number system conversion problems
*Error detection code and error correction code
*Logic gates diagram symbol and truth table

2 marks

  • Number Conversion problems
    *Any one Logic gates diagram symbol and truth table
    *Sop and pos form
  • Boolean algebra identities and problems
    *Defin k map

Unit 5

16 marks

*Construction and working of Pmmc instruments

  • Construction and working of MI instruments
  • Construction and working of Wattmeter
    *Construction and working of Energy meter
  • Construction and working of digital storage oscilloscope
  • Data acquisition system
    *Functional elements
    *Current transformer
    *Potential transformer

2 marks

*Functional elements of system

  • Adv and disadvantage of Pmmc and mi instruments
    *Define DSO
    *Define data acquisition system
    Define ct and pt
    *Any one standards definition
    *Calibration definition

important 2 mark questions

Unit 1

  1. Ohm’s law
  2. Т Kirchhaff’s law
  3. Types of Network
  4. Electric power energy (Problems)
  5. Lumped circuit
  6. Types of circuits
  7. Series vs parallel (Difference)
  8. RMS value
  9. Peak or crest factor
  10. Power factor
  11. Resistor in series and parallel ( including problems)
  12. Limitation of ohm’s law
  13. Form factor

Unit 2

  1. Slip of an induction motor
  2. Transformation ratio
  3. All day efficiency of transformer
  4. Purpose of yoke in DC
  5. Types of motor
  6. Types of winding
  7. Principle of DC motor
  8. Transformer
  9. Back emf
  10. Parts of generator
  11. Types of transformer
  12. Applications of generator
  13. Principle of DC generator
  14. Parts of DC motor
  15. Application of motor
  16. Application of transformer

Unit 3

  1. Depletion layer
  2. forbidden energy gap
  3. Extrinsic semiconductor
  4. Semiconductor
  5. Effect of doping
  6. Conductor
  7. Avalanche breakdown
  8. Zener breakdown
  9. Ripple factor
  10. Zenor effect
  11. GBT
  12. Intrinsic semiconductor
  13. Capacitor

Unit 4

  1. Logic gates
  2. Define logic gates
  3. Demorgan’s law
  4. Commutation law
  5. Conversion
  6. Two’s compliment
  7. Binary- Gray
  8. Gray – Binary

Unit 5

  1. Calibration
  2. Instrument transformer
  3. Energy meter
  4. Principle of energy meter
  5. Application of energy meter

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