GE3451 Environmental Sciences and Sustainability Important questions

 To introduce the basic concepts of environment, ecosystems and biodiversity and
emphasize on the biodiversity of India and its conservation.
 To impart knowledge on the causes, effects and control or prevention measures of
environmental pollution and natural disasters.
 To facilitate the understanding of global and Indian scenario of renewable and
nonrenewable resources, causes of their degradation and measures to preserve them.
 To familiarize the concept of sustainable development goals and appreciate the
interdependence of economic and social aspects of sustainability, recognize and analyze
climate changes, concept of carbon credit and the challenges of environmental
 To inculcate and embrace sustainability practices and develop a broader understanding on
green materials, energy cycles and analyze the role of sustainable urbanization.

Definition, scope and importance of environment – need for public awareness. Eco-system and
Energy flow– ecological succession. Types of biodiversity: genetic, species and ecosystem
diversity– values of biodiversity, India as a mega-diversity nation – hot-spots of biodiversity –
threats to biodiversity: habitat loss, poaching of wildlife, man-wildlife conflicts – endangered and
endemic species of India – conservation of biodiversity: In-situ and ex-situ.

Causes, Effects and Preventive measures of Water, Soil, Air and Noise Pollutions.
Solid, Hazardous and E-Waste management. Case studies on Occupational Health and Safety
Management system (OHASMS). Environmental protection, Environmental protection acts .

Energy management and conservation, New Energy Sources: Need of new sources. Different
types new energy sources. Applications of- Hydrogen energy, Ocean energy resources, Tidal
energy conversion. Concept, origin and power plants of geothermal energy.

Development , GDP ,Sustainability- concept, needs and challenges-economic, social and aspects
of sustainability-from unsustainability to sustainability-millennium development goals, and
protocols-Sustainable Development Goals-targets, indicators and intervention areas Climate
change- Global, Regional and local environmental issues and possible solutions-case studies.
Concept of Carbon Credit, Carbon Footprint. Environmental management in industry-A case study.

Zero waste and R concept, Circular economy, ISO 14000 Series, Material Life cycle assessment,
Environmental Impact Assessment. Sustainable habitat: Green buildings, Green materials, Energy
efficiency, Sustainable transports. Sustainable energy: Non-conventional Sources, Energy Cyclescarbon cycle, emission and sequestration, Green Engineering: Sustainable urbanization- Socioeconomical and technological change


  1. Write significance and scope of environmental studies.
  2. What is OHASMS.
  3. Objectives of environmental awareness.
  4. Endemic and endangered species.
  5. Energy flow is one way and continuous -why
  6. Sustainable protocols.
  7. Define ecological succession with types.
  8. Define sustainable habitat.
  9. Write any two problems caused by high saline soils.
  10. Define hazardous waste management and its effects.
  11. What are the objectives of energy conservation.
  12. What is the significance of OTE?
  13. Sustainable goals.
  14. What is GDP and how will you calculate GDP?
  15. Define sustainable development.
  16. What is ISO 14000 Series?
  17. What is material life cycle assessment?


  1. Explain structure and function of an ecosystem and energy flow model.
  2. Environmental protection act and water prevention and control act.
  3. Explain In-situ and Ex-situ conservation of biodiversity, merits and demerits.
  4. Explain sources, effects and control measures of water and soil pollution.
  5. How energy harnessed from hydrogen energy resources and tidal energy
  6. GTE manufacturing and its applications, advantages and disadvantages.
  7. .What is sustainability? Explain the need, significance, social economic challenges and aspects of sustainability.
  8. .Environmental management its objectives, principles, benefits and various steps of environmental management.
  9. Carbon cycle and Environmental impact assessment
  10. .Sustainable urbanization and its socio-economic changes.
  11. .Carbon emission and carbon sequestration.
  12. .Green building and its criteria, features, principles, components, merits and demerits.
  13. .Solid waste management or waste shed management.

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