To make the students understand the importance in studying electrical properties of
To enable the students to gain knowledge in semiconductor physics
To instill knowledge on magnetic properties of materials.
To establish a sound grasp of knowledge on different optical properties of materials, optical
displays and applications
To inculcate an idea of significance of nano structures, quantum confinement, ensuing
nano device applications and quantum computing.
Classical free electron theory – Expression for electrical conductivity – Thermal conductivity,
expression – Wiedemann-Franz law – Success and failures – electrons in metals – Particle in a
three dimensional box – degenerate states – Fermi- Dirac statistics – Density of energy states –
Electron in periodic potential – Energy bands in solids – tight binding approximation – Electron
effective mass – concept of hole.
Intrinsic Semiconductors – Energy band diagram – direct and indirect band gap semiconductors –
Carrier concentration in intrinsic semiconductors – extrinsic semiconductors – Carrier
concentration in N-type & P-type semiconductors – Variation of carrier concentration with
temperature – variation of Fermi level with temperature and impurity concentration – Carrier
transport in Semiconductor: random motion, drift, mobility and diffusion – Hall effect and devices –
Ohmic contacts – Schottky diode.
Magnetic dipole moment – atomic magnetic moments- magnetic permeability and susceptibility –
Magnetic material classification: diamagnetism – paramagnetism – ferromagnetism –
antiferromagnetism – ferrimagnetism – Ferromagnetism: origin and exchange interactionsaturation magnetization and Curie temperature – Domain Theory- M versus H behaviour – Hard
and soft magnetic materials – examples and uses-– Magnetic principle in computer data storage –
Magnetic hard disc (GMR sensor).
Classification of optical materials – carrier generation and recombination processes – Absorption
emission and scattering of light in metals, insulators and semiconductors (concepts only) – photo
current in a P-N diode – solar cell – LED – Organic LED – Laser diodes – Optical data storage
Introduction – quantum confinement – quantum structures: quantum wells, wires and dots –– band
gap of nanomaterials. Tunneling – Single electron phenomena: Coulomb blockade – resonanttunneling diode – single electron transistor – quantum cellular automata – Quantum system for
information processing – quantum states – classical bits – quantum bits or qubits –CNOT gate –
multiple qubits – Bloch sphere – quantum gates – advantage of quantum computing over classical
Important 2 Marks And 16 marks ( PH3256 )
Unit – 1 important question (2 marks) PH3256
a) what is meant by classical free electron theory?
b) what are the postulates of classical free electron theory?
c) state wiedemann Franz law?
e) particle in a three dimensional box
Unit – 2 important question (2 marks) PH3256
a) driffrentiate direct and indirect band gap semiconductors?
b) driffrentiate N- type and P- type semiconductor?
c) varation of Fermi level with temperture and impurity concentration in p and n semiconductor?
d) define drift and mobility of electrons
e) what is meant by ohmic contacts?
Unit – 3 important question (2 marks) PH3256
a) Domain theory
b) classification of magnetic materials Dia , para , Ferro , Anti Ferro , ferri magnetism
c) driffrential hard and soft magnetic materials. Write it’s examples and uses
d) define Curie temperature
e) driffrentiate magnetic permeability and magnetic susceptibility
Unit – 4 important question (2 marks) PH3256
a) Classify optical materials
b) principle of led / organic led
c) photo current in a P-N Diode
d) recombination / carrier generation process
Unit 5 Important question (2 marks) PH3256
a) single electron transistor / CNOT gate
b) state Bloch sphere / Quantum states / coloumb blockade
c) properties of carbon nano tubes and applications
d) driffrential classical and qubits
Unit – 1 important question (16 marks) PH3256
a) write short notes on
1) hole concept(4 m)
2) degenerate states / density of states (4 or 6 marks )
3) electron in periodic potential (6 mark )
4) Right binding approximation / electron effective mass (6 mark )
b) classical free electron theory (16 mark)
c) explain – density of energy states(8 mark)
d) derive the mathematical expression for the electerical conductivity and thermal conductivity of metals using classical free electron theory and also deduce Wiedemann Franz law ( 16 mark )
Unit – 2 important question (16 marks) PH3256
a) Explain – Schottky diodes (16 mark)
b) Explain – Hall effect & devices ( 16 mark )
c) explain – semiconductors / ohmic contacts drift ( 16 mark )
d) derive mathematical expression of carrier concentration in N- type and P- type semiconductor (Extrinsic semiconductor) (16 mark )
Unit – 3 important question (16 marks) PH3256
a) 1) magnetic hard disk drive with GMR sensor (16 marks )
2) magnetic principle in computer data storage ( 16 marks )
b) classify magnetic materials Dia , para , Ferro , Anti Ferro , ferri magnetism in detail (16 marks)
c) driffrential hard and soft magnetic materials. Write it’s examples and uses (16 marks)
Unit – 4 important question (16 marks) PH3256
a) Explain – solar cell and organic LED(16 mark )
b) Explain – laser diodes(8 mark)
c) Breifly discuss the optical data storage techniques (8mark)
Unit 5 Important question (16 marks) PH3256
a) Explain – Resonant tunnelling diode and single electron transistor
b) Write short notes on :
Tunneling diode
Nano devices
c) What is quantum confinement ? Explain
Also discuss the various quantum structures. Write a note on band gap of Nano materials